Sunday, April 15, 2012

Armageddon expo 2012 Hamilton review

So over the weekend I attended the first hamilton Armageddon expo. it was a great experience, and i met many amazing people who I hope to become even better friends with via the magic of the internet. i caught up with people i haven't seen for years and did some stuff that just blew my mind and sung some songs really loudly.
the con itself was pretty good. the rooms the convention was held in was very dark and crowded, which meant people with large props, costumes or, like me, giant bags, had to spend a lot of time outside, in the foyer or upstairs, which was like a giant cosplay ally. as per usual, food was pricey, and everyone was pretty hungry by the end of the day. our small homestuck/doctor who/torchwood group ended up walking to a McDonalds from the con to get food. merch was the usual, so nothing extra exciting.
the con was very busy and there was not enough room for everyone who turned up. the cosplay event were run very well and were great fun.

all in all, i think it was a fun con and i'm hella glad i went. as first cons go, hamiltons wasn't too bad.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

wigs, cosplays], hopeless homestuck addiction, and a few little changes

i love wigs
just really, really love them

i have pretty long hair, so i just love wearing cute bobed (that is so a word) wigs, i feel all grown-up and cute~ i spotted a wig on gothic lolita wigs that is a short pink-blue blend curly bob. i just wana buy it and wear it all of the time~!~!~!~!~!
here's a picture~!
so cute.
Also, speaking of wigs~! i've been styling 2~! (sadly, i only have a picture of one TT^TT) they are for my rose lalonde cosplay this saturday and sunday. 
consider this your first lesson in showmanship
so excited~!!! the other is a little longer and white. it has a much more "grimdark/black dress rose" feel.

so as you can probably tell, i began reading homestuck. my boyfriend was all "you should read this, its really good" and then my cosplay group began reading it, and a long time friend had been pestering me about it for 2 years so i gave it a go. now i am hopelessly adicted. (as you guessed from the title.) this made me learn to knit. so yeah, adicted to a webcomic and now i knit.
I'm hoping to gain ncea credits for this blog if i at all can. (media studys don't fail me now!) 

well, this has been lizzy, saying OMG I HAVEN'T DIED AND NEATER HAS THIS BLOG